Rebos Social Club

 Alcoholics Anonymous 

     Rebos Social Club is a private not for profit organization formed to primarily provide a space where groups devoted to the recovery of alcoholics and drug addicts can meet. While many of the meetings at the club are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings, the Rebos Club itself is not AA. Rather, the club provides a space for AA and other groups, thereby facilitating recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction.

     In order to function, Rebos Social Club naturally has expenses. These expenses include rent, payroll, literature, snack bar supplies and miscellaneous items. Obviously, the club must take in funds adequate to cover these expenses. The clubs revenues essentially come from the following sources:

  •  Meetings
  •  Membership Dues
  •  Fund Raising Events
  •  Book sales
  •  Donations

     Members of Rebos Social Club help make it possible to provide space, events and fellowship for so many people in recovery. By becoming a member and renewing your membership annually, you are engaging in service work. You are practicing the 12th Step by helping to carry the message to others in recovery and are freely giving back some of what you been so freely given.

     Membership dues are $75.00 per year payable in advance. ($10.00 Monthly, $500.00 Lifetime)

     If you are not a member or your membership has expired, we encourage you to join or renew today. Membership forms are available at the club or you may simply apply make your check out to Rebos Club, write the word membership on the check then place it in the slot on the Managers door.

     Upon receipt of your dues, new members will receive a membership card confirming your membership. The more members we have the better we are able to serve our community!

    Thank you for your support :)